I hope this message finds you and your loved ones doing well. It is indeed a different environment that we are facing at this time and it changes daily. Through these uncertain times, there are good things to come. We can be thankful for family, loved ones and the many friendships that have grown throughout the years from being a part of the OSTC family. We can also be self-assured that those great times we had together will soon come again.
Your Board has made a decision to cancel the May social due to the CDC guidelines. Each year, the OSTC General Membership meeting coincides with the May social. This is an important event, as club officer nominations and elections are held, and other club announcements are made. We miss our get togethers. So, to keep our membership bonding, we are going to hold our first virtual General Membership Meeting and Social meeting via Zoom on June 10th at 6:00 PM., more information to come before the meeting.
Because of these unpredictable times, your Board has determined that it would be prudent to revise the OSTC By-Laws and have proposed three revisions for your consideration. In summary, these changes will: a) permit the May General Membership meeting to be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances; b) allow for By-Law amendments to be approved electronically by a majority of two-thirds vote; and c) provide for the general elections to be held electronically. We invite you to review the details of the proposed By-Law changes on the Website and to join your Board of Directors on June 10th to vote during the virtual meeting. Remember, should you want to be on our elected Board or desire to nominate another member, please complete the nomination form located on the website.
Lastly, we understand that this is not the ideal time to talk about traveling. However, in the spirit of being optimistic and getting back to normality, Steve Clark is planning another exciting rafting, kayaking, hiking and party trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Tennessee and South Carolina that will depart in about three months. Steve will be taking a small group of 18 and will need to commit to the proper size lodging within two weeks. Currently, there are 8 registered and we would like know how many of you and your friends are interested in going on this trip. Click on website link to view all of the trip details and register. Contact Steve Clark with questions or intensions 407-803-2239 or
Stay well and see you in June.
Rhonda Ulmer