Orlando Ski & Travel Club Trips
On Sale: November 3-18, 2018 New Zealand ADVENTURE TRIP The New Zealand experience is about discovering one of the best places on this planet. Enjoy the majesty of towering mountains and Volcanoes while being able to stay on the Lakefront Edge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Hollywood, California, Sydney Austrailia, Auckland New Zealand, Rotorua, and Queenstown! All in one action packed 15 days! Sign up of for your once in a lifetime adventure! Leave the planning to us, just show up! New Zealand Trip Signup Link
President's Message By: Kathryn Hardage
Great turnout for OSTC’s annual Trip Kick-off event on Sunday! It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces of our members, plus new faces of many guest! Welcome to all! Our Trip Leaders did an excellent job with their Trip Boards and preparations to provide best possible trip information for both our SKI/BOARD trips, plus our ADVENTURE trips for the upcoming year! OSTC donated (4) $200 Trip Credits which were drawn from ALL members with paid deposit for upcoming trips. Winners were: Our Tour Operators also donated (4) - $100 trip credits. Thank you to: Ski.com – Big Sky (winner – James Johnson) Ski.com – Telluride (winner – Adam Curtis) Sports America – Park City (winner – Pat Karr) Holidaze Ski Tours – Cortina (winner – Ed Conroy) OSTC also gave away 12 Door Prizes, all over $50 value. Thanks to our local industry partners for their donation, please be sure to return the favor by buying local.
Please support your Orlando Ski and Travel Club trips. We are offering SEVEN ski/board trips and FOUR adventure trips. We need your support to continue to make these offerings happen! Sign up TODAY! White water rafting trip is in progress now! CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR TRIP SUMMARY We also offer local events to keep our members engaged with each other. If you’d like to get a group together for a special restaurant; or, to visit a brewery or winery tour; or, a local hike in the woods; or, trip to a local attraction, please speak to one of the officers, we’ll help you organize and market the outing. Please visit OSTC’s wonderful new website to keep current of trips, activities and club news. Perhaps you noticed the clubs new CIRCLE logo, please display those magnets proudly on your vehicles! Our new logo better tells our story, we still offer great trips, yet we are so much more than that too! See everyone at the Weds, Aug 8th Social at WP Ale House! Kathryn
Funday Humpday Social Happy Hour for Active 20s, 30s, 40s Wednesday, 8/15/18 @ 6:00pm
Meet other people that love participating in activities such as Running, Hiking, Tennis, Snow Ski and Boarding Trips, Adventure and Party Trips! Just stop by, say hi and hang out for bit. We’re meeting in a Super New Downtown Orlando location at the ACE Café with Easy, Convenient and Free Parking. 4-7pm Happy Hour Specials include $3 Domestic Drafts, $4 Wine, $4 Drinks and $6 Happy Hour Eats menu! RSVP on Meetup.com through the link below and Save this date Wednesday 5/16/18 on your calendar now! Our second Humpday Happy Hour in April was a Success bringing a really fun group together that socialized long enough to close the bar!!
Hosted by Steve Clark - VP of Trips & HH Host RSVP for the Active HH here:
Bioluminescense Kayak Tour Saturday, 9/8/18 @ 7:45pm - approx 9:45pm
Join us for an unforgettable evening of kayaking in the bioluminescent glow (a natural phenomenon of glowing blue, alive with activity). The swirling of your hand, every paddle stroke and the rolling wake off of your kayak all glow in the darkness like an under-water laser light show. Fish leave trails,dolphins look like torpedoes, and manatees a slow and graceful submarine. For those interested we’ll meet at Dixie Crossroads at 5:30 for dinner (at your own expense).
All paddlers will assemble at 7:45 PM at Beacon 42 launch point (subject to change). We’ll be paddling with A Day Away Kayak outfitters. Day Away will have guides there to provide instruction and lead us on our adventure (no experience necessary). We’ll spend about 1½ hours on the water. For more information, see: https://www.adayawaykayaktours.com/webapp/p/325/bioluminescence-tours $50.00 per person (2 paddlers per kayak) Includes tax and gratuity Bring Water Shoes, Towels, Snacks, Quick Dry Clothes and Bug Spray More info on the OSTC website here! Hosted by Steve Sovich OSCStevo@gmail.com 407-929-0132
RSVP for the Bioluminescence Tour here:
July Paint Nite Canceled Summary
Paint Nite on Wed., July 25th was canceled due to Paint Nite’s cancellation of the event. Anyone who signed up should have received a cancellation e-mail. Some club members purchased a Groupon which they can either use on their own or contact Groupon directly for a refund. We apologize for the inconvenience this caused and we look forward to other fun events coming soon!tay tuned for details! | | |
Orlando Ski & Travel Club, a proud member of
Stay in shape or tune up your skills for skiing/boarding at WinterClub Ski
Airport parking for flat $5 a day. Just show an OSC badge when you exit. No reservations.
Also stay connected with
7/29 Trip Kickoff Event!
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